
This specialized type of physical therapy is done with an orthopaedic physical therapist and focuses on issues related to the muscular skeletal system. Physiotherapy includes diagnosing and treating injuries and conditions related to the ligaments, bones, muscles and tendons, as well as rehabilitation following orthopaedic surgery. This form of therapy is most beneficial to patients with acute injuries caused by amputation, severe arthritis and sports. Using techniques like electrical stimulation, strength training, sonograms and hot/cold packs, orthopaedic therapists can speed recovery time and improve muscle strength.

Orthopaedic physical therapy is also the best way to ensure a patients’ recovery after an injury or surgery as most orthopaedic patients have some degree of weakness that may be alleviated through targeted workouts and specialized treatments.

Stretching exercises are one of the most common aspects of physical therapy and help to preserve normal function and reduce joint stiffness. Strength training, on the other hand, is used to improve range of motion and muscle endurance. Closed-chain workouts are designed to maintain a patient’s balance during strength training while proprioceptive workouts are intended to help patients who have difficulty sensing the location of an injured body part or need to re-discover control of body position. Ice and heat therapy is especially beneficial for reducing swelling and restoring circulation, while deep tissue may be stimulated with the use of ultrasound technology.

While some orthopaedic conditions can be treated without the use of physical therapy, it remains the most effective way to improve healing and restore normal function.

Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

Physical therapy may be used for the following conditions, although this is not an exhaustive list.

Before beginning orthopaedic physical therapy, a complete assessment will be performed to review your patient history, observe your movements and perform tests as well as diagnostic imaging.

  • Pre- and post-surgical care
  • Balance rehabilitation
  • Postural training
  • Arthritis pain management
  • Back and neck rehabilitation
  • Joint pain management
  • Headache relief
  • McKenzie or manual therapy treatment
  • Mysofacial treatment
  • Spinal stabilization
  • Ligament and muscle strains or sprains
  • Automobile and work-related injuries